The Recent Internet Viral Photos of the Former Oyo State Governor's Daughter, Doctor Kemi Omololu Olunloyo, Signifies (1) That all Nigerians believing and Flying Green White Green are all Prisoners, We don't mean to disrespect any Nigerian, but seriously speaking, the Prisoners Uniform should be included in the changes introduced by the Government. (2) This means that Nigerians have no respect for humanity, How can a mere Cyber Crime lead to imprisonment, come to think of it, a lot of Bloggers have commited cyber crime several times and still go free, (3) We see a lot of Nigerians linched and burnt to death on the streets without Government Intervention, Imprisoning a Woman who just published a letter sent to her is like a big slap on human right, (4) Madam K.O.O. we know about her Numerous attack on Nigerian Celebrities or even celebrities worldwide, just like Wendy Williams, Oh this reminds me, if Wendy is a Nigerian, she would have made the Prison her second home. If you are a Nigerian Reading this Article, please hold on, don't disown Nigeria yet, because you are still flying the Green Colour, There is a Campaign now for the Change of Nigerian Prison Uniform from Green to any other Colour. (5) We are appealing to Nigeria to set Madam K.O.O. Free, while the Court case can be going on, it's even unlawful to wisk her away from her home, to another City so many Kilometers away. Like Majek Fashek said, Nigerians are Prisoners of Conscience, if this Pastor, (We refuse to call him a Man of God) should search his conscience very well, he will know that he is Guilty. If He has ever preached that we have all sined and come short of the Glory of God, he would know that he is inclusive, even Jesus said, if you know that you are clean be the First to Cast a stone. If you know that you are free of all alegations on the letter published by Madam K.O.O. you should stand and defend yourself, instead of paying for the woman to be imprisoned. FREE MADAM K.O.O. TODAY.
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